Who to Contact
Who to contact during your stay
For inventory related issues:
For inventory related issues such as broken bed, lamps chair etc. please contact our Service Manager Attila Csiki directly.
Please be advised that he will let himself in if you are not present. If he can’t solve the problem, he will contact the building owner.
Phone hours: Tuesday & Thursday from 8am-10am. +45 50525096
Email: [email protected]
For general requires:
For general requires please and other emergencies please contact Housing Foundation.
Email: [email protected]
For finance:
For finance requires please contact the Finance team at Housing foundation.
Email: [email protected]
For life threatening emergencies:
In life-threatening emergencies always call (+45) 112 and ask for the police, fire department or ambulance service.
For building related issues/ practical emergencies:
For building related issues, fixtures in the apartment such as windows, floors, electricity, water damage, plumbing issues etc. please call the number for your residence, from the list below.
Please only call these numbers if the situation requires immediate attention. Misusing emergency services can result in a fine.
- AB Alleen Building inspector . Phone: +45
- Basecamp(Sølvgade) Basebuddy /RA Phone: +45
- Bispebjerg Kollegiet CC Facility. Phone: +45
- Bikuben kollegiet Building inspector Phone: +45
- Det ny Emdrupborg kollegium Building inspector Phone: +45
- Dyrlægevej kollegiet Building inspector. Phone: +45
- Engvej Studios Building inspector Phone: + 45
- Kulbane Kollegiet Building inspector Phone: +45
- Mariendalsvej Building inspector +45
- Nordre fasanvej kollegiet Building inspector Phone: +45
- Rebslagervej kollegium Practical emergencies. Phone: +45
- Signalhuset Plumber only in emergencies +45 Locksmith +45
- Sigyn-Vermunds-Rovsingegade apartments
Practical emergencies. Phone: + 45 - Søborghus park
Practical emergencies. Phone: +45
- Tietgenkollegiet
Practical emergencies. Phone: + 45 - Øresundskollegiet
Practical emergencies. Phone: + 45 - UMEUS
Locked yourself out or lost your keys?
Locked out?
As soon as you notice that you have locked yourself out, please contact us so we can help you out. It is important that you give us information about how, where and when you might have lost the key.
If a Residence Assistant, the Housing Foundation Inspector, or a receptionist is available on site at your residence, they may be able to help you get back into your accommodation. Some dorms have night-time services on site that can let you into your room. Please note: If you request help between 16:00 – 08:00, a fee of DKK 300 will apply. You can find the contact information for your RA and Inspector on our page for your accommodation.
In some cases we might have to change the locks or replace the keys due to safety, this procedure will be at your expense.
Lost keys?
If you lose your keys please contact us directly during office hours. Outside office hours we recommend that you find alternative housing for the weekend (this will be at your own expense). If a replacement is needed, you will be charged a fee and will also have to pay the exact invoice charge for change of locks, including a new set of keys/chips.
Do not call a locksmith yourself.
It is only in case of an emergency you should change the lock by yourself (eg. life supporting medicine).
Calling a locksmith yourself will result in two lock changes, because many of our key systems are specialized. This means that the locksmith will change the lock to a wrong generic system, and then the Housing Foundation will have to call our locksmith to change the lock again to the correct specialised system. If you call the locksmith it will be at your own expense. The price will be calculated by the locksmith and not by us. Please have in mind that the second lock change will be charged to your account by The Housing Foundation.
Note; the information above does not apply to tenants at Nordisk Kollegium, Signalhuset Kollegium, Sølvgade(BaseCamp) and Tietgen Kollegiet. If you live there, contact the Administration Office at your residence. You can find contact information regarding your Administration Office on our page for your accommodation.