Your arrival
We look forward to welcoming you in Copenhagen! Before you can collect your keys, please ensure that you have:
- Made all required payments
- Singed your contracts
- Brought a valid picture ID with you (passport, drivers license, your official Danish residence permit etc.)
- Alternatively if you are not able to pick up your keys in person (Optional): sent an email allowing a friend/mentor etc. to pick up keys on your behalf
We cannot hand out your keys if the requirements above are not fulfilled.
When do I pick up my keys?
Please take the following information into account before you book your travel tickets to Denmark:
According to paragraph 11 of your rental contract, the lease begins on the date stated in paragraph 2. However, If your rental start date falls on a Saturday, a Sunday, or a holiday, you can only pick up keys on the following working day. We cannot hand out your keys before your contract start date.
We kindly remind you also to take our opening hours into account.
You can collect the keys any time on or after the first day of your lease. Have in mind that we only hand out keys within the office opening hours. However, you can only move in to your residence after 12 noon on the first day of your lease, regardless of whether you have picked up your keys before 12 noon.
You receive an automatic email confirmation when we hand out the keys to you (or an authorized contact person).
If you cannot pick-up your keys in person
- Tenants who can’t pick up the keys in person can authorize another person (e.g. a friend, university mentor, or a future colleague) to pick up keys on their behalf.
- You must send us an email of authorization:
Send us an email in which you state the full name of your contact and explicitly give them permission to collect the keys on your behalf. We will check their ID against your email when they come to collect the keys. - Your contact person must bring a valid ID (passport or identification card with picture) in order to collect the keys.
Where do I pick up my keys?
Depending on your chosen accommodation, the location of key pick-up can differ.
To see where you must pick up your keys, adresses and opening hours please click on the drop-down menus.
Address: Georg Brandes Plads 4-6 1307 København K
Phone: +45-72109001
Email: [email protected]
Opening hours for key pick-up:
Monday – Thursday: from 9 am-12 noon and again from 2 pm – 5pm.
Friday: from 9 am-12 noon and again from 2 pm – 4 pm.
Saturday and Sunday: CLOSED
Keys can only be picked up within opening hours.
Basecamp is closed on January 1st 2025
NB: Please note that Basecamp can’t store your luggage and you cannot enter your room before 12.00 noon.
Address: Arne Jacobsens Allé 11 A-E 2300 Copenhagen S
phone: +45 3630 0308
email: [email protected]
Key pick up intervals: key pick up appointment needed.
Saturday and Sunday: CLOSED
Signalhuset require that you write the building inspectors to arrange your key pick up. You may call them or send an email and arrange your exact date and time of arrival.
Address: Rued Langgaards Vej 10-18
2300 Copenhagen S
phone: +45 77 66 81 81
email: [email protected]
Opening hours for key-pick up:
Monday – Friday: between 8 – 9 am and again between 11 am – 1 pm.
Wednesday 11am – 6pm.
Saturday and Sunday: CLOSED
Keys can only be picked up within opening hours.
Keys must be picked up at the Tietgenkolegiet office at the building’s main entrance reception.
Keys for all other accommodations (except Basecamp (sølvgade), Signalhuset kollegium and Tietgen kollegiet) must be picked up at the Housing Foundation office, located at The University of Copenhagen’s South Campus.
Click here to find a campus map
Remember to bring a valid ID (passport or identification card with picture).
The Housing Foundation Copenhagen Office
Adress: Njalsgade 76, 4B-0-34
DK-2300 København S
We are currently experiencing an issue with our address on Google Maps, which may direct you to the wrong location in town. To pick up your key or visit our office, please ensure you come to our South Campus office near the Islands Brygge metro station. You should also be sent to the right place if you type in “Housing Foundation Copenhagen”. You can find a guide to report the issue here.
Thank you in advance!
Phone: + 45 35 33 20 78
When calling us please have your five-digit Tenant ID ready
Office and Phone Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 9:30 am – 12 noon, 1 pm – 3 pm
Wednesday: 1 pm – 3 pm
Fridays: 10 am – 12 noon, 1 pm – 3 pm
Public holidays and Saturday and Sunday: CLOSED
Find public holidays here
If you are moving in between January 1st and February 15th, please book a time to pick up your keys in the calendar below.
Reporting move in-issues
Did you encounter any cleaning issues upon moving in?
You have 24 hours from when we handed out your keys to report any cleaning insufficiencies.
All our accommodations are cleaned and inspected professionally before your rental period begins. You should expect to find your accommodation clean, tidy, and ready for your arrival.
Should you unexpectedly find your room insufficiently cleaned, please send us pictures in an email titled ‘high importance’ or ‘urgent’ in the subject line, so that we see it right away. See the Booking Manual for details.
Did you encounter any repair / inventory issues upon moving in?
All our rooms should be in a good state, however if you experience any repair or inventory issues that requires immediate attention please report it by emailing: [email protected]. Remember to include your room number and pictures of the issues.

Your move in issue-report
You have 14 days from when we handed out your keys to report any wear & tear issues in your move-in issues report
Tenants should expect a certain amount of wear an tear as the accommodations has housed many students before. Having said this, if you see wear and tear that are not reported in your move-in report you may report and upload the issues.
A wear & tear issue can be scratches /marks on fixtures and inventory that doesn’t require immediate attention. Fpr example, stains on mattress, scratch on the wall, marks on the table, build up calcium or grease on the hotplates etc.
How to make the issue report:
Go to your Housing Account /Dashboard and click on “Create issue report” (this button is only visible once keys have been handed out to you). Read more in your Booking Manual.
Shared room (A+B)
Every tenant must make their own move-in issue report, even if you are aware that your roommate has mentioned the same issues, you must have this noted in your own account as well.
We advise you to use our template below:
Shortly after your contract start date a professional inspection will take place. Should you notice any additional issues these should be added to your own move in issue report.
Read more about Your Inspections here
CPR number
All residents in Denmark need to have a CPR number (a social security number) and engaging in public life without one is impossible–for example, you need it to open a bank account, access your health insurance, borrow books from the library, pay taxes, receive a salary, etc.
As a tenant at The Housing Foundation Copenhagen you must register your address with the proper authorities. Your rental contract serves as proof of legal address when you apply for a CPR number.
Read details here
Register your address here
Read about practical matters of arriving in Denmark here
CPR application for partners and family members
If you are staying in a 2-person room or apartment, you are allowed to have another person live in the household with you. In order for other members of your household to apply for CPR registration, we need to approve of them first. This is because only partners, spouses, and family members may share an address for CPR application, according to the Danish law.
If a friend or roommate lives with you and they are not our tenant, they will need a Housing Confirmation to apply for the CPR number. Before we can fill out the Housing Confirmation you must fill in the Household Application Form and bring it to our office along with all listed parties. All of you should bring your IDs. Then we can check your details and sign the Housing Confirmation.
Please find an example of a signed household application here.
Can I get 2 sets of keys when booking a 2-person room?
Yes, you can get a second set of keys if you have a person living in the 2-person room with you. Before picking up your second set of keys you must sign the Household Application Form (see above). Once the form has been signed you can get the second set of keys.
If you are thinking about sharing an apartment rented from the Housing Foundation with another person, it is important to read the following text.
Who may live with you in your apartment/room and take address there?
You will receive a paper to clarify who is allowed to stay in the apartment with you. The paper also says how many people are allowed to live in the apartment/room and what you must do when a person moves in.
You must also be aware of the fact, that if a person wants to move in into your apartment/room and apply for a CPR number, the Local Authority (e.g. Copenhagen Municipality) will contact the Housing Foundation asking us to confirm if we permit that person to take up an address with you. In this paper, we also describe the procedure we follow in such a situation.
Only members of your household are according to the Rental Act § 26 allowed to move in and take address at your apartment. Household includes your family and other close relationships.
A person with whom you have no other relationship than you have decided to share an apartment/room is not a member of your household and can therefore not move in and take address. If you let the person move in anyway it is subletting, and according to your contract you are never allowed to sublet. If you are subletting, you are acting against your contract and can be sanctioned for violation of your contract.
If you are not sure, about a person being accepted as a member of your household you are always welcome to contact the Housing Foundation.
How many persons can get permission to stay in the apartment and take address there?
We rent out one-person rooms, shared rooms, 2-person rooms, and family apartments.
When you rent a “single rooms” room or apartment, no one but the contract holder may stay and take address here.
Some of our “single rooms” apartments are also advertised in the booking system as suitable for two roommates who each rent directly from us (as an “A/B shared apartment”). This means that there are two contract holders. In that case the other person does not have to be part of your household.
“2-person” rooms or apartments have a size that makes it possible for a household of two persons to live there. “Family apartments” are designed for families of more than two people.
For any other apartments, according to Housing Regulation act § 52a, we are not allowed to rent an apartment out to more than two persons per livable room (not including kitchen, bathroom etc.) and they shall all be members of the contract holders household. If we ask for it, you are obligated to inform us about the size of your household and each person’s relationship to you.
The Housing Foundation does not provide you with any personal insurance. You have to take out personal insurance for yourself. We strongly urge you to take out a standard insurance policy that covers you and your personal belongings. At the very least, make sure you are covered by your home country insurance.
It is also a good idea to have a good travel insurance if something unexpected happens.
The following points are instances where insurance may be useful to you:
- Your bag or your bike is stolen or you experience a burglary
- If you cause damage to other persons or items, wilfully or not, and likewise if another person causes damage.
- If you have a bike accident resulting in a dentist bill
- Unintentional flooding of the apartment below you and vice versa.
- if you have to return to your home country ahead of time.
Your landlord – the Housing Foundation or any other landlord – will in some cases cover building damages, but is never liable for accidents or crime inside your home. You must have your own insurance to cover these instances.
The insurance companies listed below will cover students on short-term stays in Denmark. There may be a fee for policies under one year duration.
Alm. Brand
Midtermolen 7
2100 København Ø
Gothersgade 133
1123 København K
Tryg Forsikring
Klausdalsbrovej 601
2750 Ballerup