Information about booking accommodation for Spring 2024

Spring 2024 booking round will take place end of November 2023
We operate through booking rounds, which means all student and staff who have signed up for the Spring 2024 booking round will be invited to our online booking system on the same day. The exact date will be announced here around mid-June. Once you get access to the booking system you will be able to see a list of available accommodations and all their details. We do not hand out a list of rooms before hand and everyone gets access on the same day.
We have received many questions about booking accommodation for the Spring 2024. Below you can find answers for the most common questions and doubts about the process.
Requesting access to the booking system
The Housing Foundation Copenhagen helps international students and staff from The University of Copenhagen to find housing.
All our accomodations are shown in our booking system where you can also book them. To access the system it requires a so called invitation (personal login details that gives you access to the booking system).
To get access to the booking system
First of all we will need to see some official documentation from The University of Copenhagen that proves your eligibility and the period of your stay. It can be an admissions letter, a contract or an official document from you supervisor.
Please send us an email with your documentation attached to [email protected]
Hereafter we will evaluate your documentation and if you are found eligible for housing we will send you an email invitation (login details to the booking system).
We do want to mention that our booking system works after first comes first serves, so you might not see free rooms of a specific dorm you might want to live in.
Preapare yourself carefully by:
1. Reading the booking Manual to understand our rules and procedures.
2. See the videos of how to make a booking (see videos below on this page)
3. Familiarize yourself with our website and housing options
4. Read about how the booking system works here
5. On the where we confirm you will get an invitation remember to check your spam filter.
Yes, we highly recommend that you get insurance before going to Denmark. The Housing Foundation does not provide you with any personal insurance.
You have to take out personal insurance for yourself. We strongly urge you to take out a standard insurance policy that covers you and your personal belongings. At the very least, make sure you are covered by your home country insurance.
It is also a good idea to have a good travel insurance if something unexpected happens. Last year we experienced that many tenants needed to go home to their home countries due to Covid-19. Many tenants were covered by their home insurances.
The following points are instances where insurance may be useful to you:
- Your bag or your bike is stolen or you experience a burglary
- If you cause damage to other persons or items, wilfully or not, and likewise if another person causes damage.
- If you have a bike accident resulting in a dentist bill
- Unintentional flooding of the apartment below you and vice versa.
- if you have to return to your home country ahead of time eg. Due to Covid-19.
If you want to share a room with a partner we have two types of accommodations:
Shared rooms (A and B)
With a shared room, you book half of a room that you will share with another Housing Foundation tenant, who has the same gender as you. This means there are two beds in the same bedroom without any door between them. A shared room is divided into two halves: the A-half and the B-half. You can rent one of these. Each roommate books their half individually from the other one, and we make a contract with each occupant. When booking half of a shared room, you are responsible for your part (A or B) of the room and the common area. You are not allowed to use your roommate’s bed when they are away, since you only have a contract and payed for your half of the room.
2-persons room
A 2-person room is designed for you to live together with another person. This other person must be a very close friend or a partner, due to Danish registration rules. There is only one contract holder, and this contract holder is the only person legally responsible for maintenance, paying rent, etc. Please be aware that you and the second person must both sign a Household Application form in order to live together and be eligible for Danish CPR numbers. You can read more here
The invitation will be sent to the same email address that you have used when you requested for housing.
Your Tenant ID will be written in your invitation email together with the login details for the booking system.
The Tenant ID is a five-digit number that we use as your personal identifiyer. We kindly ask you to inform us about your Tenand ID when you call us or when you send us an email.
To get access to the booking system
As soon as we have evaluated your documentation from The University of Copenhagen or other universities in or around Copenhagen then we will send you an email to tell you if you are eligible for housing. If you are found eligible the email you receive will contain further information on when you will be invited to the system.
NB: Remember to check your spam filter.
Our system works on a first come, first serve basis. Therefore, we can never guarantee any specific accomodations. If you do not see the desired accomodation in the system, then it is already booked. We recommend that you go into the booking system some days after the booking round, since some tenants make cancellations or new rooms might appear
When making your booking, you will be required to pay 8.000 DKK for deposit and 3 months of rent. Please have in mind that if you book a social housing dorm (Øresundskollegiet and Signalhuset kollegiet), you will also pay an Administration and handling fee + service fee. You can read more about the payment procedure here
You can also see our fee list here
When you login to the booking system you must fill in your personal details and your address. The address we refer to is your home address in your home country.
You are allowed to book all the rooms you see in the room availability section in the booking system. The system is designed that way so you will be able to see all the rooms you are allowed to book.
What to be aware of before arriving to Denmark
Please be aware that it is mandatory to register your address in Denmark with the relevant authorities. Your CPR-registration has to be done on the exact address of your accommodation. You can find more information about CPR registration here
According to paragraph 11 in your rental contract, the lease begins on the date stated in paragraph 2.
If your rental start date falls on a Saturday, a Sunday, or a holiday, you cannot pick up your keys until the following work day, as our office will be closed.
We kindly remind you also to take our opening hours into account.
You can collect the keys any time on or after the first day of your lease. Have in mind that we only hand out keys within the office hours.
Furthermore, please note, you can only move in to your accommodation after 12 noon on the first day of your lease, regardless of whether you have picked up your keys before 12 noon.
You receive an automatic email confirmation when we hand out the keys to you (or an authorized contact person).
You can find information about where to pick up your keys here
If you have made a booking with an immediate start date, you must contact us the same day and explicitly inform us that you wish to cancel the booking.
You can read more about immediate bookings, and what to keep in mind, in the booking manual.
When you make a booking that starts in more than 14-days, you have a ‘cooling off’ period (of 14-days) where you can terminate your booking.
If the booking starts within 14-days, the cooling off period lasts until the rental period begins.
You can find more information about cancellations in the booking manual under ‘cancellation of booking’.
It is not possible to cancel your booking after the rental period has begun, even if you have not moved in yet.
Students who wish to cancel their booking can instead make a shortening offer, however there is no guarantee that it will be accepted. You can read more about shortening offers in our booking manual under ‘Making a shortening offer’.
Staff members who wish to shorten their contracts can do so if they give the proper notice of 3 months + the running calendar month. You can read more about shortening your contract in the booking manual under ‘shortening’.