
Booking for students

Exchange, Full degree, Trainees and Interns

In order to access our services, you need to be invited to our booking system. All information about room details, exact prices, and availabilities is provided there. Several rules determine who are eligible and can be invited to the booking system.

If you wish to be invited to our booking system you must fulfill the following requirements:

  • You are an international student  at The University of Copenhagen (or sometimes at another academic institution in Copenhagen—see more below)
  • You want housing for minimum 1 semester and maximum 2 years
  • You can provide official documentation proving your status with The University of Copenhagen (or other relevant institution—see below)

Will you be attending a different University or institution in or around Copenhagen? Please find more information here

We do not accommodate Danish citizens
We only accommodate international students and staff. Even if you are an international visitor, you must inform us if you have Danish citizenship – in that case we cannot help you.

How does it work? - The booking round

We systematically invite eligible new tenants to our online booking system three times a year—these events are called ‘booking rounds’. To receive an invitation to access our online booking system, you must be put on our list*. The invitations are sent by e-mail, on the day of the booking round, and contain a link that gives access to our booking system. Once you have access to our online booking system you can see our available accommodations, and book the one most suitable for you. 

* Depending on what type of student you are, there are different ways to sign up to receive an invitation. Please see the list of different student types further down, under “How to get signed up for housing”.

The three yearly booking rounds:
Spring booking round Summer booking round Fall booking round
For students who wish to rent from January/February/March/April until July/August For students who will be renting in July and/or August only For students who wish to rent from July/August/September/October until end of January
Booking round will take place in late November Booking round will take place in late May Booking round will take place in late June

More precise dates of the booking rounds will be advertised on the front page of our website ahead of time.

Access outside the booking rounds: If you wish to be invited to our booking system outside the booking rounds (e.g. in the middle of a semester), please contact Housing Foundation directly via email. Then we can evaluate your case individually.

Our capacity is limited.
Three times a year we systematically invite a large number of new users to our system in a process called the ‘Booking Round’. This is when most of our available accommodations are booked. We typically end up accommodating about half of all primary users arriving in the autumn semester and most of the users arriving in the spring semester. We usually have available housing for all incoming summer students renting only in July and August.

Like most online booking systems, our system operates on a ‘first-come, first-served’ basis. Therefore, the attractive housing options are usually booked quickly. We recommend to have a few options in mind before the booking round begins so you have an idea of which accommodation options to go for once you gain access to the booking system.

We do not have waiting lists
. Unfortunately, we do not have the option to put you on a waiting list. If you want to book a specific accommodation you will have to keep an eye out in the booking system to see if it becomes available. 

How to sign up for housing

Depending on what type of student you are, there are different ways to sign up to receive an invitation to our booking rounds. Please see the list of different student types below. 

How to be signed up for housing depending on your student type:
1. Exchange students:
Newly admitted exchange students are automatically signed up for housing through the UCPH International Admissions Office but only during the booking rounds.
Outside booking rounds send your admission letter directly to us at [email protected]

2. Full degree students:
If you are a newly admitted full degree student please contact your faculty to sign up during booking rounds.
Outside booking rounds send your admission letter directly to us at [email protected]
3. Erasmus Trainees:
Send your Learning Agreement directly to us at [email protected]

4. Students doing internship:
Send your internship documentation directly to us at [email protected]

5. Students attending summer courses (July-August only):
Send your course documentation directly to us at [email protected]
6. Non UCPH students - Students attending other universities or institutions in or around Copenhagen:
If you are a student attending e.g. CBS, DTU, AAU, RUC or other university/institution please send your admission letter directly to us at [email protected]
Please read more about applying for housing as a non UCPH student further down the page

When to contact us if you need housing

(Interns, Trainees, Summer- and Non-UCPH students only)

We understand that you are looking forward to your studies abroad and might be eager to secure your accommodation well in advance. However if you wish to participate in our booking rounds we only open for sign-ups two months in advance (see overview below). Please keep this in mind, as we will not be able to sign you up for the booking round earlier than this.

If you are an exchange- or full degree student you are automatically signed up for housing through the UCPH International Admissions Office. Please see the overview above on “How to be signed up for housing depending on your student type:”

Spring booking round Summer booking round Fall booking round
Booking round for the spring semester will take place in end of November Booking round for the summer bookings will take place in end of May Booking round for the fall semester will take place in end of June
If you wish to participate we will start the sign-ups for the booking round in October. When you contact us, please remember to provide the documentation mentioned above If you wish to participate we will start the sign-ups for the booking round in April. When you contact us, please remember to provide the documentation mentioned above If you wish to participate we will start the sign-ups for the booking round in May. When you contact us, please remember to provide the documentation mentioned above

Rental periods

It is important to keep in mind that we rent out rooms from the date that they become available and therefore start dates of the different rooms cannot be changed.
Please find the specific rental periods and length of stay for the different student types in the dropdown menu below.

Spring semester
From January/February until July/August

Fall semester
From July/August/September until end of January

Length of stay
Minimum 1 semester
Maximum 4 semesters

Rental periods for semester students
Students can only rent within fixed semester periods:

  • Contract start date: we rent out rooms from the date that they are vacant and therefore start dates of the different rooms cannot be changed.
  • Contract end date: will always coincide with the end of the semester:

Fall semester ends 31st of January and Spring semester ends 14th July (alternatively 31st July or 31st August)

Move out date:
According to the rental contract paragraph 11, tenants must vacate their rooms and return their keys before 12 noon 7 days prior to the last day of your contract. The move out date is non-negotiable.
The reason why tenants have to move out 7-days before is because we need to prepare the accommodation before the next tenant moves in.
This applies even if the move-out date falls on a Saturday or Sunday or on a holiday as our inspection crew works all week.
You can read more details in the departure section

Interns and Trainees can rent during the whole year and are not bound to follow the semesters

Length of stay
Minimum 3 months
Maximum 1 year (2 years)

Rental periods for interns and trainees
Interns and trainees have flexibility and can rent at any time depending on vacancies.

Contracts typically:

  • Begin on the 1st or 15th of a month 
  • End on the last day of a month.

In addition they have a time restriction on their rental period, as they can only rent from us for:

  • A minimum of 3 months
  • A maximum of 12 months (24 months)

Move out date:
According to the rental contract paragraph 11, tenants must vacate their rooms and return their keys before 12 noon 7 days prior to the last day of your contract. The move out date is non-negotiable.
The reason why tenants have to move out 7-days before is because we need to prepare the accommodation before the next tenant moves in.
This applies even if the move-out date falls on a Saturday or Sunday or on a holiday as our inspection crew works all week.
You can read more details in the departure section

July and August

Length of stay
Minimum 1 month
Maximum 2 months

Rental periods for summer students
Summer students can only rent for a minimum of 1 month up to a maximum of 2 months.

Below are the different rental periods:

  • July 1st  – July 31st
  • July 15th – August 14th
  • July 1st – August 31st
  • August 1st – August 31st

Move out date:
According to the rental contract paragraph 11, tenants must vacate their rooms and return their keys before 12 noon 4 days prior to the last day of your contract. The move out date is non-negotiable. The reason why tenants have to move out 7-days before is because we need to prepare the accommodation before the next tenant moves in.
This applies even if the move-out date falls on a Saturday or Sunday or on a holiday as our inspection crew works all week.
You can read more details in the departure section

The Booking Manual

Reading the Booking Manual is mandatory.
Details about how to enter the booking system and make a booking are described in our Booking Manual. It is mandatory to read the manual before completing a booking. When making a booking and when signing a rental contract you confirm that you have read and understood the Booking Manual and that you have read our website.
Please make sure you read the correct booking manual!

Students who will be attending other Universities in or around Copenhagen

We distinguish between primary and secondary users

Our primary focus it housing students and staff at the University of Copenhagen. However, we also help students from other Universities an institutions in and around Copenhagen, if we have any availability. These students are called Non UCPH- or “secondary” students. 
These could be students attending e.g., CBS, DTU, RUC, AAU, KEA etc. 

As a secondary student you can still follow all the information mentioned above. With the exception of one important thing: The invitation date.
As mentioned above, the invitations are sent by e-mail, on the day of the booking round. However as a secondary student this is not the case. Secondary students will be invited a day after the primary students and only if we have any available accommodations left.
