
How can I cancel my booking

The possibility to cancel your booking free of charge depends on when you made the booking and when the contractual tenancy period begins. 

In general, you have a 14-day ‘cooling-off’ period from the date you make your booking during which you can cancel a booking.
 However, this only applies if: 
  •  The rental period has not yet begun
  •  It is not an immediate booking   
If there are less than 14 days from the date you make your booking until the contract starts:
If you have confirmed your booking then your cooling-off period lasts until the rental period begins (Then it is less than 14 days).
 Read more about cancellations in the booking manual.

Cancelling after the rental period has begun

Students cannot cancel their rental contracts once the rental period has started and they have picked up their keys. However, they can attempt a Shortening Offer to find a new tenant for the room. The shortening offer can be made if a tenant moved in and lived in and after the first month. Students can cancel their booking within the first month of the rental contract if they have not picked up the keys. 

Staff can cancel if they give  a minimum notice period of three whole months plus the running calendar month. Staff can cancel their booking within the first month of the rental contract if they have not picked up the keys. 

Please have in mind that fees will apply when cancelling your booking. 

 You can read about the different cancellation rules and options in our Booking Manual and on our website. Some cancellation situations may involve fees.

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