

If you have lost your keys or locked your self out of the building, please contact your RA or the Housing Foundation during our office hours. There might apply a fee to let you into your room again if you locked yourself out.
If you  have lost your key(s) the locks must be changed due to safety. This will be at your expense. 

Please find more information here.

Some of the residences are using chips for the main doors – Sigynsgade, Vermundsgade and Rovsingsgade. These chips must be updated every 180 days. if not, it will be automatically blocked and only the building inspector can unblock it again.
If you live in one of these accommodations a guide on how to update your chip should be included in the informational letter you received when you first picked up your keys. You can also find it here

If you live at any other dorm and are experiencing issues with your access chips please contact The Housing Foundation during our opening hours.

Other questions ? Please send us an email