Boligstøtte /Housing Benefit
For International Students ( only european citizens)
Some international students can apply for governmental housing subsidy. You apply via Udbetaling Danmark.
You can check if your residence permit allows you to apply for subsidies by contacting the Danish Immigration Services.
Please note that the Housing Foundation will not be able to help you with the application.
You can read more about the subsidies on this page.

Criterias for housing subsidy application
- You live in a “studio room” (or your own apartment). You have a private kitchen or kitchenette.
- Your rental duration is more than 6 months. If your stay is shortened, the entire subsidy amount will have to be returned.
- You need to inform Udbetaling Danmark when you move and leave the country.
- All applications need to apply through the online application system. You access the system via with your Nem-ID.